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Wrap the door handles of your car, truck, or SUV with this premium quality from Avery Dennison™. Made for quick and simple application, just clean, prep and apply using the wet install method. Protect your door cups in minutes flat. And all for an affordable price

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Starting at $7.99

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Wrap the door handles of your car, truck, or SUV with this premium quality from Avery Dennison™. Made for quick and simple application, just clean, prep and apply using the wet install method. Protect your door cups in minutes flat. And all for an affordable price

Availability: In Stock
Ships within 1 - 3 Business Days

Avery Dennison™ Paint Protection Film Door Handle Wraps

  • Durable optical clarity provides almost invisible protection for painted surfaces
  • Excellent UV, temperature, humidity and salt-spray resistance
  • Room temperature self-healing performance
  • 10 Year Manufacturer Warranty
  • Low initial tack for wet application; easy to trim

Avery Dennison™ Will Save You Time and Money

The door handles of your vehicle deteriorate over time just like any other part of your vehicle if not properly looked after. That is why you need to protect it and nothing works better than Avery Dennison™ Paint Protection Film Door Handle Wraps. By installing handle wrap paint protection film you will keep the door handles in top condition for many years to come. Find out why you should make the switch to the obvious choice!

How Your Door Handles Gets Damaged

There are many things that can and will damage the handles of the door. From wear and tear to bird droppings, your handle will showcase the damage and erode away. The weather doesn’t care about what you want and will be a force to be reckoned with. Fight back with the best paint protection film and you will see the difference.

The protection you get with Avery Dennison™ is unmatched. The paint protection film will protect your handles from scratches so you don’t need to worry about your keys accidently scratching against the door handles. An added benefit of the Avery Dennison™ protection film is that the film self-heals, getting rid of small scratches. One might imagine that self-healing film is going to be expensive but in fact, it is a much more affordable option than painting your handles every time they get damaged. Over time, the cost will add up and cost you thousands of dollars. Prevent that and buy the one-time purchase of paint protection film that will last up to ten years or more with the proper care.

Types of Paint Protection Film

You can choose from four types of Avery Dennison™ PPF. You can pick from the Neo Noir Black, SPF-XI Super Protection, Supreme Defense Gloss, and Supreme Defense Matte. No matter what you prefer, there is a great fit for your truck and it will look even better with this amazing film.

Why it is a Better Choice Than Paint

Paint protection film will last for a long time, making it look good in the process. It is a popular choice with many of our customers. Once you install the film, you don’t have to worry about the paint of your handle. Life a stress-free life all while your vehicle looks stunning. What more can you ask for?

Get the most out of your Avery Dennison™ by extending the life of your film at no extra cost to you. By taking a few extra steps, you can make the most out of your film. Four years after you installed your film, remove the film and install it again after cleaning it to increase the lifespan of the film. This easy step will keep your vehicle looking smooth and clean for a long time.


Paint protection film lasts a long time and even longer when you properly take care of it. That is why our customers keep choosing protection paint film. After you install the film, sit back and relax as the film does its job and keeps your door handles looking brand new.

Installing Door Handles Paint Protection Film

Installation might be scary to some people but that is the furthest thing from the truth. It is a fast and easy process that anyone can do. Before applying the wrap, you need to wipe down the door handle so they are clean. Apply slip solution to the door handle and after that, you can apply the film. Squeegee and you are done.

How to Prepare Your Protection Film

There is a right way to install door handle paint protection film. The room temperature needed for the installation should be between 48 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is humid, choose another day to install because it might damage the film. Also, the lighting has to be good or you make an avoidable error. You will have to clean the door handles 24 hours before you install them. And just before you apply the film, clean the handle 5 minutes before your installation.

While it may sound intimidating and tedious but it is a great investment. You will protect your vehicle as a result. No more scratches on your door handles and the best part is that you can remove it just like that. The paint won’t be damaged when you do remove it.

Paint Protection Film is the Way to Go

Protect the paint of your door handles and live a stress free life. It will save you a lot of money and time so no more visits to the shop. Choose from a low gloss or a high-gloss film. By choosing paint protection film, you will be buying a one-time purchase that will last you for a long time. A paint job would only last a few months to a year and you will have to get another paint job. Make the choice that will save you a lot in the long term.

  • Universal Fitment

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